Limiting beliefs: How to identify and overcome them with these 10 steps
Episode 42: Limiting Beliefs: How to identify and overcome them
Hi, Welcome to How did you learn to do that? Podcast where you will hear tips, guidance, and stories to help you to have a fulfilling life and career. The inspirational stories that you will hear from people will inspire you to know that you can create anything you want in your life. And it just takes commitment and action.
So I’m excited to have you here. I’m excited for you to hear these stories, the guidance, and the tips that I’ll be sharing. And if you have any questions, you can always reach out to me at and you can connect with us on social media or on Instagram, on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter @howdidyoulearntodothat. And we would love if you could help us grow and expand this podcast by reviewing us on Apple podcasts, as well as on YouTube and sharing the episodes with your family and your friends and helping us continue to spread the message that we all are deserving of a fulfilling life and we can be the catalyst in our lives to create that.
Podcast show notes for this episode
To find the show notes for all our podcast episodes, please visit our podcast page. You can check out the show notes for this episode here!
How to get to know yourself with Career and Personal Development Coaching
So as many of you know, I am also a career coach, a personal development coach, a mindfulness coach. I do coach new graduates, early career professionals, but I also coach people that are far in their career, 10 years, 15 years, 20 years that are just not feeling happy. They’re not feeling fulfilled. They’re not feeling like they’re living their true purpose to really keep asking themselves.
What else is there? Is there more to life? Is there more that I could be doing? I’ve got the career. I completed school, I got the career. I have the family. I have, you know, everything that I thought I wanted and I have it open. Now they’re at that place. That’s asking themselves that question where they want to ask themselves that question of how do I connect deeper with myself?
What can I do to connect with myself, to figure out who I am and what I’m supposed to be doing in this world? So what I’m going to do is I’m going to actually break it down into a couple of different sections. So over the next three months, I’m going to be talking to you about your mindset, about personal development, about things that you can do to connect with yourself deeper, to really get to know who you are and what you’re here to do and how you can build a fulfilling life and career for yourself.
And then I’m going to move through more tangible things of what you can do for your career, how you can know your why, how you can align with your why and how you can actually have the confidence to network to achieve and get close to your why and your purpose and how you can maintain that throughout life and everything that you’re doing.
How to get to know yourself with 1:1 Coaching Sessions! Book your FREE 30 minute call to find out if it is for you NOW!
I will be also offering some one-on-one coaching for, for folks that don’t necessarily want to take a course, but want a little bit of guidance around mindset and really figuring out how to feel fulfilled and what the next steps are. And someone that wants to develop a bit of a morning practice or an evening practice and routine that keeps them accountable and that they’re able to connect with themselves.
I will be offering some one-on-one sessions with you where we can hop on a call weekly and just to keep you accountable for about the span of four weeks. And then hopefully you can then flourish and go out on your own and spread your wings and create this life for yourself.
If you want to learn more, book a FREE 30 minutes call with me NOW!
The Successful Candidate Course
I launched The Successful Candidate course in November. I am going to be launching it again in March. And so I’m excited for you to be a part of that. And I am going to create a Facebook group for everyone that registers into the course so that you can have support and guidance as you’re going through this process for yourself.
And I will be there every single week. We’ll be doing a mastermind and we’ll be sharing thoughts and ideas and challenges and things that you’re going through and things that you could do more of or things you could do less of, or how I can help you troubleshoot a little bit and give you some. Tips and some prompts and some ideas of things that you could try out to see if they’re going to work for you.
So I just want to say, although my course is marketed and geared towards new graduates or early career professionals, it’s really for anybody that wants to be in a place where they’re having a fulfilling career and a fulfilling life. There’s so much to be learnt in that course. So if you want to sign on, I’d be happy to jump on a call with you to chat about it.
You can read more about the transformation you will experience in this course here!
Otherwise I will see you in the course and hopefully we’ll see you at the masterminds as well.
So let’s get started.
Limiting beliefs: How to identify and overcome them
Have you ever thought about why you hold certain thoughts or opinions about yourself that hold you back? What if you could overcome those beliefs and change them to accelerate your growth?
This week we will Angeza shares 10 steps that you can use to identify your limiting beliefs and overcome them. These 10 steps will help you understand what limiting beliefs you are holding on to, known or unknown to you, where they came from and how you can shift your mindset to switch from this limiting beliefs to that of a positive one, which helps with your growth and future successes. Learn how to identify limiting beliefs and overcome them in this episode!
What is a limiting belief?
A limiting belief are thoughts or opinions that you believe to be true about yourself. They tend to be negative and impede on your personal growth. You can have limiting beliefs about love, relationships, money, success, your image, your career, really any area of your life. These limiting beliefs are sometime known to us and sometimes unknown to us. They come from ourselves, from others, from society and from the country, culture or religion you associate or have associated with.
For example, as a woman I may have a limiting belief that I have to be a supermom or super wife and do it all without help because other women in my family may have worked while raising a family and maintaining their house and social life. So I may unconsciously have that limiting belief in myself which impedes my growth and happiness if I can’t keep up. This is just an example, but there are many unique scenarios individual to us all.
Identifying your limiting beliefs is key! It helps you understand where you may be blocking yourself from growth and where you may not be inviting happiness and success into your life.
I will share my 10 step process to identifying and overcoming your limiting beliefs, including re-wiring your thought process so you replace your limiting belief with a new positive belief. You will start with just one area of your life and take your time to work through each step!
10 steps to identifying and overcoming your limiting beliefs.
1. Identify the limiting belief
Dedicate some time everyday to work through one area of your life and begin to identify your limiting belief. You can use journaling as an activity to help you keep track of your thoughts and opinions. Begin by thinking about one thing, such as receiving a promotion at work or going for a jog, and start to write down all the things you think about it.
Use a few questions to get started such as “can I start jogging today?” “What stops be from jogging?” “Why do I think I run a certain way and why is that a challenge for me?” “Why..”
As you can see, starting with one question and asking yourself why to dig deeper is important. It will help you identify the limiting beliefs that are known and unknown to you. Keep track of it by writing it down.
A few weeks ago, I talked about shifting your mindset and that is a great way to also identify limiting beliefs. Check out that blog post and episode and follow those steps if that works better for you!
2. Say it out loud
Once you have identified what your limiting belief is, say it out loud. For example, if I thought I run funny and people would look at me and that is why I don’t jog outside, then I would say “I don’t jog outside because I am embarrassed about how people will look at me and my running.”
The reason you want to say it out loud is because you begin to get it out of your mind and into “reality” or real life. As you say it out loud, imagine this is your friend saying this to you. It really will bring it into perspective for you to understand that limiting belief.
3. Ask yourself if it is true
Now that you have identified and said your limiting belief out loud, ask yourself if it is true. Do you REALLY think that about yourself? Has anyone ever said that to you? Have you ever tried running outside to see if anyone notices? Or to see how you feel after running?
A few summers ago, I started running outside. Initially, I was like who the heck am I and I focused more on what I would wear outside than I did on the actual running. Once I actual ran though, it was exhilarating. I pretended that I was running a marathon at the Olympics and people were cheering for me! It was a great feeling!
Once you have asked yourself if it is true or not, why not try it out and see how you feel?
4. Ask yourself why you have this limiting belief.
It is also important to identify the origin of that limiting belief. Is it something you created? If so, why? For what reason? Was it something you saw on TV or experienced from someone else? Did someone else think that of themselves? Where did this come from?
If from someone else, did they say this about you? Why did they say it? Did they mean it or was it misinformed?
If from society, dig deep to determine why.
5. Determine what you need to say to yourself to eliminate that limiting belief
Now that you know the limiting belief you have and why, what could you say to yourself to eliminate it? What new messaging do you need to hear from yourself, from others, from society or whomever to give you the confidence?
You don’t need someone to actually say it but just imagine if someone did, what would they say that would light you up? Make you no longer belief that limiting belief?
For me, I mentioned I used to think I was being cheered on at the Olympics. I also used to think that someone I know would be driving by and be inspired by my running and take their health seriously too. Those words of “wow! look at her taking care of her health, maybe I should try running too!” were important to me. So what is important to you and what would you say to a friend who came to you for advice with that same limiting belief? How would you encourage them?
6. Now, write the positive affirmation down
Ok so now write down those words that would encourage you. Write it down on a piece of physical paper or a sticky note. Keep it close by everyday.
7. Say the new positive affirmation out loud 5 times
Repeat that new positive affirmation to yourself 5 times. Do it now!
Here is my favourite one: “Taking care of myself is moving myself ahead.”
8. Connect with yourself, how do you feel?
It is now time to connect with yourself. How do you feel after saying that positive affirmation 5 times? How do you feel now that you have identified that limiting belief and worked through the why you have it?
Do you feel invigorated? Excited to overcome it and replace it with a new positive affirmation?
Or do you feel there is still deeper work to be done? If so, take it easy and start from the top and slowly dig deeper until you find the real limiting belief holding you back from doing what you know you can.
9. What has this limiting belief taken from you? What will overcoming this limiting belief do for you?
Ask yourself these two key questions. What has that limiting belief taken from you?
Has that limiting belief prevented you from living life to the fullest or has it caused you to do things you wish you didn’t?
And What will overcoming this limiting belief do for you?
What will it give you? How will it make you feel?
10. The affirmation you identified is now your new positive belief, now really visualize it!
Now that you have a new positive belief, really visualize what it would be like to live that everyday! And actually live it!
For me, I dream of being an inspiration for my family so I work towards it everyday!
I hope you can do the same! For yourself!
Essential Tips
You are not in control of anyone else. You cannot tell others what you think they should do, or not do or think. You also cannot force anyone to self-reflect, they have to want to do it on their own and in their own way.
You are the only person who is responsible to make yourself happy. No one else is responsible to make you happy. Only you can heal from the inside and live a more peaceful life on the outside. Materials goods and food can not replace the hard work of self-reflecting, healing and moving forward with a new perspective in life.
- Pen & Paper – Journaling
Use a pen and paper to write down you thoughts, feelings and emotions as you are self-reflecting. You can use a journal or you can write freely in a book. It is important to write it down because it helps to relieve some of the pressure and it also creates a document that you can revisit to reflect upon.
I have linked the blog post from last week’s episode above in the bullet point which has some great tips of how to get started with journaling. You can also get free access to my journaling tool when you sign up for my monthly newsletter.
It is very important that when you are self-reflecting that you continue to do so until you have discovered the why. The reason why you reacted as you did or felt as you did. This is the first step to understanding where you need to put your effort to heal. Once you have discovered the why, then you can start to create your action plan of how you will begin to heal. What will you do? What activities bring you joy and are your non-negotiables in your day?
If you want to start with some guided questions for various parts of your life, these 6 questions from Holstee are amazing to start with:
MIND – Do you feel clear headed, engaged or intellectually challenged?
BODY – Does your body feel healthy, nourished, strong?
SOUL – Do you feel at peace and connected to the world around you?
WORK – Do you feel interested in and fulfilled by your work?
PLAY – Do you feel joyful? Are you engaging in activities that bring you joy?
LOVE – Do you feel positive about the relationships in your life?
Therefore, the most important tip I can provide is to start self-reflecting today. Start with as much or as little time as you can, with whatever tools you have but start today. Begin to learn how to self-reflect so you can master this essential skill, which will allow you to weather any storm and create a strong and deep connection with yourself.
Deck of cards with prompting questions to get to know yourself deeper
Best Self – Courage over Comfort Deck
Get the Courage over Comfort deck with my affiliate link above!
If you liked this episode:
I do have an affiliate link for the morning ritual mastery by Stefan James and affiliate links to all the self reflection card decks mentioned. You can also visit my website. There’s a blog about how to connect deeper with yourself and get to know yourself and I’ll actually put the link in my Instagram bio as well. So you can just quickly link and check it out and see what it can help you do, and I’ll go walk you through kind of like what you would want to do in the morning practice anyway.
So if you are looking to have some connection with your higher self, that mastery, I would highly recommend that course for you.
Let’s Connect!
I would love to hear how it’s going for you and if you’ve implemented. And if you have any ideas for future episodes or any. Things that you want to learn more about and you need more help with feel free to send me an email info. How did you learn to do or connect with me on Instagram? And if you have any questions they meet and feel free also to send me a note, um, and I really want to know how you’re feeling after practicing these five steps to connect deeper with yourself.
I will be doing the connect deeper with yourself Challenge that is a bit more in depth than a bit more deeper with you. The challenge starts next week! I will be posting that on my website as well as on Instagram. So stay tuned for that.
And if you could. If you love this episode, I would love if you could review it on Apple podcasts. Like I said, I would love to learn more about what you liked about this episode, what you would like to learn more about. Like I said, um, and you know what, I just want to say that you take the time that you need to do what you need to nourish your soul and your mind and your body and everything that you do in life.
Okay. So I hope that this lesson in this episode has taught you so much and that it’s getting you started to working towards that fulfilling career and that fulfilling life in the successful candidate course, I will teach you a little bit more about how to connect with yourself deeper, how should really figure out your why and its importance.
And so I’m excited for you and I’m excited to see you inside our course, um, or to connect with me on one-on-one sessions, which I will be offering soon as well. All right. So we’ll talk soon. Thank you so much for listening to the end of that episode. I hope that you have learned something from that episode that can have you getting closer to a fulfilling life.
And career there’s so much out there in the world that you can learn, you can experience and you can apply to your current life. That will help you start making those little steps towards a career that you love. And that you’re inspired by. So I’m excited for you. I can’t wait to hear what you’re doing.
I would love for you to share with me over on our social media, or you can send me an email and let me know you can visit our website. How did you learn to do for the show notes and for blog posts and to hear more about what we’re up to. And of course we would love if you could help us grow by reviewing us on Apple podcasts, as well as on YouTube and sharing with your family and your friends.
If you enjoyed this episode, check out these ones too!
All right, we’ll see you next time and hopefully in the Course!.
Angeza’s purpose in life is to share and inspire you with the stories of people from all walks of life who have made small daily commitments to themselves, their purpose and their happiness. These stories will be tangible, easy to digest and implement. Allowing you to begin to understand what makes you, your soul and your mind truly in tune and peaceful. What is it that you are here to do in this world?
We look forward to having you listen to this episode and to join us weekly as we release new episodes every week. Please visit, like, subscribe and share this episode!